We are so excited to have the privilege of being one of the two shops in the country to retail these beautiful linens. We've known Sharon a long time...Indianapolis TNNA, we think, when she was Crescent Colours. We felt we really got to know her at that show, and it started a longtime, beautiful friendship. We think it was at that market that she showed us a piece of linen she had dyed for her personal use. To this day, years and years later, we still have an image of that linen in our heads! We are so fortunate that Sharon is taking the plunge into creating beautiful linens for us to share with you!
Here's the scoop. We will ONLY be selling this in fractions of a yard. We will not be doing square inch cuts of this linen. You get to cut yours up how you see fit...We will take orders or full yards, fat halves, and fat quarters. Pricing depends on the count.
Below you will find the yard price followed by the fat half price and then the fat quarter price.
- 28 count Cashel: $130.00/$65.00/$32.50
- 32 count Belfast, 36 Edinborough, and 40 Newcastle: $152.00/$76.00/$38.00
- 46 count Bristol: $146.00/$73.00/$36.50
- 56 count Kingston: $178.00/$89.00/$44.50
- 48 count - coming in summer of 2024 - $TBD
Colors are shown below in the photos.
There are currently four colors: Madeleine, Cuppa Mocha, Coffee Cake and Cream Puff.

We are expecting to have this linen in our hands at Tomorrow's Heirlooms by the beginning of March. Get us your preorders asap so we can get Sharon busy dyeing! We will fill orders in the order they come in, so first come, first served!